A blog I started in 2008 - 9 to document my travels... continued!

Saturday 18 October 2008

more graffiti and murals...

I'm still totally blown away by the stenciling and murals, I'm trying to document all the ones I come across - here are some current favourites, but there are plenty more to come... I'm thinking there will be an element of stenciling in the show I am going to make but still have to figure out exactly how they do it. There was mention of X-Ray film, so I am certainly missing something...


Chrystene said...

The stenciled man on the ground is awesome!!!

RVK said...

Yes.. that man is Julio Lopez who disappeared 2 years ago. He was a key witness in a court case against a former police officer. The image and name of Julio Lopez is everywhere on the streets of La Plata. The sentence "where is Julio Lopez?" is scrawled everywhere... its haunting.

Chrystene said...

Wow. Haunting is a good word. That's intense. You must be on inspiration overload there. I can't wait to see what you're going to come up with.