A blog I started in 2008 - 9 to document my travels... continued!

Tuesday 23 December 2008


Step two of the Italy adventure consisted of two main ingredients: pizza and Pompeii.Add Image


Stage one in the Italy adventure was a night train from Munich to Rome then a blur of a day rushing from site to site to site. Beautiful. Loved it. Lots of rain, thunder, lightening, but we narrowly avoided the flooding. Bling old and new, fountains everywhere, fabulous creamy risotto... 

Saturday 20 December 2008

Italy to Wales

Hello from Lamezia Airport in the south of Italy! Once to get to Wales I will do a FULL update! Internet access has been non-existant in the small town of Tropea where I have been living for the last week... but just as a taster, here is a picture of the island of Stromboli as seen from the beach...

Monday 8 December 2008


After a mildly harrowing night train ride from Vienna to Karlsruhe, we spent 3 days at ZKM centre for media art which is housed in an old ammunitions factory. This was my first visit to ZKM having heard about it for years and I was damn impressed... the scale both physically and the amount of exhibitions, art works and catalogues they generate is incredible... I saw three shows, Medium Religion, YOU_ser and Bit all of which were very interesting. We had a tour of Bit with curator Darko Fritz, just a stunning show. I'm posting 3 images: the robot bible-writer is from Medium Religion (beautiful, so delicate), the big light wall is an installation in the ZKM main foyer by Rosalie, and an image from ZKM from the outside. The glass cube building contains studios for the Music and Acoustics department....


Finally, bed, coffee and wireless, my idea of ....... The last few days have been a busy blur of traveling of being programed round the clock, hence the silence. So will try and catch up. First... THE LIGHT LAB. We took a visit to this very cool space at the Department of Building and Environment at Danube University. The lab is a dome made of lights that can be controlled to represent the exact lighting conditions of any time of year, any time of year, bright or overcast - where you can test what the interior lighting will be of a building. You make a scale model of your proposed building, put it in the middle of the dome, adjust the settings and hey presto. Aside from its general usefulness as a tool, for an installation artist its just a very interesting and unusual space!