A blog I started in 2008 - 9 to document my travels... continued!

Tuesday 13 January 2009


For reasons unknown, I don't seem to be able to upload images to this blog. At first, it seemed that the problem was that the internet service I have here did not allow uploads over a certain size... I have now subscribed to a different service but it does not seemed to have fixed the problem. I try to upload images, but the 'uploading routine' never comes to a conclusion. Any suggestions welcome!

Problems aside, things are great. Loving getting to know Paris. Have been on some long long walks and had the two other artists here from Canada over for dinner last night. I am taking french classes twice a week and am slowly getting to know other artists and musicians in the building. My studio is a bit noisy, its facing a main road, but the plus side is that there is lots of life to watch right outside my window. 


patrick said...

hi rachelle
i have been enjoying your blog, admittedly lurking
interested to see photos, perhaps the upload problems can be fixed by resizing photos ?
have you been to the artists' squat on Rue de Rivoli - they know the locations of all the squats in the city- fun to visit

patrick said...

link to regina webcam

currently -19 C windchill -33 C with light snow